陶瓷作品集 Ceramic Portfolio
- 影像装置(综合交叉类) Image Installation (Integrated cross class)
- 雕塑 Sculpture
- 玩具 Toys
- 罐子Jar
- 食用器皿 Edible utensil
陶瓷实验 Ceramic Experiment
- 泥料实验(Clay Experiment)
- 泥浆实验 (Slip Experiment)
- 釉料实验(Glaze Experiment)
- 化妆土实验 (Decorating with Engobe Experiment)
- 釉下彩实验(Underglazed Colour Experiment)
- 釉中彩实验( In-glaze decoration Experiment)
- 釉上彩实验(Overglazed Colour Experiment)
- 雕刻实验(Engraving experiment)
- 贴花、嵌花实验 (Appliqué & Decal Experiment)
- 转印实验(Transfer Print Experiment)
- 其余装饰技法探索 (Other Decoration Technique Experiment)
- 成型技法探索 (Forming Technique Experiment)
- 烧制问题记录( Firing Problem Recording)
- 工具使用(Tools )
陶瓷专业中英术语整理 Chinese and English terms of ceramics
- 陶瓷类型相关单词(Ceramic type related words)
- 陶瓷制作相关单词(Ceramic making related words )
- 陶瓷原材料相关单词(Ceramic making related words )
- 窑炉相关单词(Kiln related words )
- 陶瓷烧制效果相关单词(Firing effects related words)
- 釉料相关单词(Glaze related words)