釉的原料实验 Raw Materials Experiment

1.试片制作 Sample Preparation


尺寸约为3 x 3 x 1厘米。


Each sample is individually made for easy access .

Around 3 x 3 x 1 cm for one.

And I drilled two holes on the top of the sample for hanging or faxing it later.

2.未烧制状态 Before Firing

The un-fired state of 51 ceramic glaze raw materials

3.烧后状态 After Firing

烧纸温度Firing Temperature:1240-1255℃

电窑烧制 Electronic Firing

烧制氛围Firing atmosphere:氧化气氛Oxidizing atmosphere


The fired state of 51 ceramic glaze raw materials

基础成分 Basic materials:

基础成分1 Basic materials 1
基础成分2 Basic materials 2
基础成分3 Basic materials 3
基础成分4-灰 Basic materials 3-ash

金属化合物 Metal compound:

金属化合物1 Metal compound 1
金属化合物2 Metal compound 2

其余添加物 Other materials:

其余添加物 Other materials