1.泥料实验 Clay Experiment
2.泥浆实验 Slip Experiment
3.釉料实验 Glaze Experiment
- 制釉材料 Glaze Materials
- 釉料配方 Glaze Recipe
- 釉料制作 Glaze Making Method
- 釉料烧制方式 Glaze Firing Methods
- 釉料库 Glaze Library
4.化妆土实验 decorating with Engobe Experiment
5.釉下彩实验 Underglazed Colour Experiment
- 釉下水彩库 Underglazed Colour Library
- 青花 Blue and White Colour
- 釉里红 Underglaze Red
- 金色花(Golden Flowerr. a Colour Brand)
- 其他釉下彩颜料 Other Colour Test
6.釉中彩实验 In-glaze decoration Experiment
7.釉上彩实验 Overglazed Colour Experiment
- 新彩 Polychrome Painting
- 粉彩 Famille Rose
- 珐琅彩 Enamels
- 金、银水 Gold and Silver Colour
8.雕刻实验 Engraving experiment
- 堆塑 Pasting Ornament
- 浅浮雕 Shallow Relief
- 高浮雕 High Relief
- 凹雕 Intaglio
- 镂雕、镂空 Piercing
9. 贴花、嵌花实验 Appliqué & Decal Experiment
10.转印实验 Transfer Print Experiment
11.其余装饰技法探索 Other Decoration Technique Experiment
12.成型技法探索 Forming Technique Experiment
- 泥板泥条成型 Mud Board and Strip Making
- 捏塑 Hand Making
- 模具成型 Mould making
- 压印 Impressing
- 拉坯 Throwing
13.烧制问题记录 Firing Problem Recording
- 电窑 Electronic Firing
- 气窑 Gas Firing
- 乐烧 RAKU
- 柴窑 Wood Firing
- 烧制方法 Firing Notice
14.工具使用 Tools
- 浅浮雕工具 Carve and Sculpture Tools
- 制模工具 Mould Making Tools
- 绘画工具 Painting Tools
- 上釉工具 Glazing Tools
- 烧制工具 Firing Tools